Saturday, November 22, 2008

How can children trust those who hurt them????

This is the exact kind of thing that disgusts me.
the article that i am speaking about, Describes a situation in Katmandu where Police incidentally who we are suppose to trust with the safety of our lives and to protect us against acts of harm, tortured children some as young as 13 yrs old!!
200 Cases have been reported so far in 2008 stating that both boys and girls who were arrested for petty crimes have been beaten in the following ways to extract confessions....The group said

"the police beat and tortured the children in a variety of ways, including kicking and punching them, inserting metal nails under their toenails and hitting the soles of their feet with bamboo sticks and plastic pipes"
for more info on the article please see the link provided at the bottom of the page.

Children are the key to our future.Without them our existence is null and void.
We should be inspiring them to make change, not to fear those who are there to protect them.!!!

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Monday, November 17, 2008

the right to live free

Living Free is a Right NOT a privilege Despite some views!There are people in this world that feel human rights is something that needs to be earned Not practiced.
The genocides/holocausts and social injustices including those pertaining to The CHILDREN of this world are often because of somebody's idealistic views ( often someone who is in power) And feels because they are in power,That their views and their thought process should be put into motion.
Whatever happened to the term " We are all created as equals" Why has this been thrown to the gutter and discarded as a pipe dream?????
when will it be realized that everyone in this world should be here for the same purpose, To contribute to a world that will forever exist, Not one that will squander it's own people to carry out a political agenda?

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